90s kids

i rarely change skins…..but this one…oh my…..beautiful

overall = ::{u.f.o}:: jeanimal (giraffe)
shirt = ::Happy Finds:: vintage kitty in glasses
hair = Maitreya sasha – bistre
earrings = [skream!] “knot my ears”
glasses = =RL= fadeout (floral)
shoes = Kookie bonnie – night
skin = Mynerva MellowYello ~fudge~
balloon = [North West]

field way

shirt = ::{u.f.o}:: cina vintage op odd leaves (Pookie flea market)
bra= (5th&Oxford) The Tease – onyx
jeans = Mustache destroyed straight leg – grog
hat = Meriken Co. Leather hat – black
sunglasses = (Elate!) susie cateye shades – black
necklace = Mustache vintage key necklace – neutral
hair = fri. hailey – cranky brown
poses = Buttons moving sale – waiting door (10L!)
p.s ….finally found a viewer that throws shadows with my lame ATI card….(here) is the tutorial for tweaking Kirsten Viewer….give it a try if SL viewer 2.0 shadows dont work for you
